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Gross, R., Mungan, M., Das, S.G., Yüksel, M., Maier, B., Bollenbach, T., Krug, J., and Visser, J.A.G.M. de (2024). Collective β-lactam resistance in Escherichia coli due to β-lactamase release upon cell death. 2024.10.14.618215.

Nadig, A.S., Gross, R., Bollenbach, T., and Ansmann, G. (2024). Trace elements increase reproducibility of microbial growth.

Mulla, Y., Müller, J., Trimcev, D., and Bollenbach, T. (2024). Extreme diversity of phage amplification rates and phage-antibiotic interactions revealed by PHORCE.

Mulla, Y., and Bollenbach, T. (2024). Invade to evade: E. coli’s gutsy survival strategies. Cell Host Microbe 32, 300–301.

Zagorski, M., Brandenberg, N., Lutolf, M., Tkacik, G., Bollenbach, T., Briscoe, J., and Kicheva, A. (2024). Assessing the precision of morphogen gradients in neural tube development. Nat. Commun. 15, 929.

Müller, J., and Bollenbach, T. (2023). Quantitative approaches to study phenotypic effects of large-scale genetic perturbations. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 74, 102333.

Rathmann, I., Förster, M., Yüksel, M., Horst, L., Petrungaro, G., Bollenbach, T., and Maier, B. (2022). Distribution of fitness effects of cross-species transformation reveals potential for fast adaptive evolution. ISME J.

Angermayr, S.A., Pang, T.Y., Chevereau, G., Mitosch, K., Lercher, M.J., and Bollenbach, T. (2022). Growth‐mediated negative feedback shapes quantitative antibiotic response. Mol. Syst. Biol. e10490.

Lukačišin, M., Espinosa-Cantú, A., and Bollenbach, T. (2022). Single-cell isogrowth profiling: Uniform inhibition uncovers non-uniform drug responses. Clin. Transl. Med. 12, e1005.

Lukačišin, M., Espinosa-Cantú, A., and Bollenbach, T. (2022). Intron-mediated induction of phenotypic heterogeneity. Nature.

Roemhild, R., Bollenbach, T., and Andersson, D.I. (2022). The physiology and genetics of bacterial responses to antibiotic combinations. Nat. Rev. Microbiol. 1–13.

Qi, Q., Angermayr, S.A., and Bollenbach, T. (2021). Uncovering key metabolic determinants of the drug interactions between trimethoprim and erythromycin in Escherichia coli. Front. Microbiol. in press.

Petrungaro, G., Mulla, Y., and Bollenbach, T. (2021). Antibiotic resistance: Insights from evolution experiments and mathematical modeling. Curr. Opin. Syst. Biol. 28, 100365.

Ansmann, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2021). Building clone-consistent ecosystem models. PLOS Comput. Biol. 17, e1008635

Kavčič, B., Tkačik, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2021). Minimal biophysical model of combined antibiotic action. PLOS Comput. Biol. 17, e1008529

Kavčič, B., Tkačik, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2020). Mechanisms of drug interactions between translation-inhibiting antibiotics. Nat. Commun. 11, 4013

Lukačišinová, M., Fernando, B., and Bollenbach, T. (2020). Highly parallel lab evolution reveals that epistasis can curb the evolution of antibiotic resistance. Nat. Commun. 11, 3105

Lukačišin, M., and Bollenbach, T. (2019). Emergent Gene Expression Responses to Drug Combinations Predict Higher-Order Drug Interactions. Cell Syst.

Mitosch, K., Rieckh, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2019). Temporal order and precision of complex stress responses in individual bacteria. Mol. Syst. Biol. 15, e8470

de Vos, M.G.J., Zagorski, M., McNally, A., and Bollenbach, T. (2017). Interaction networks, ecological stability, and collective antibiotic tolerance in polymicrobial infections. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 201713372

Zagorski, M., Tabata, Y., Brandenberg, N., Lutolf, M.P., Tkačik, G., Bollenbach, T.#, Briscoe, J.#, and Kicheva, A.# (2017) Decoding of position in the developing neural tube from antiparallel morphogen gradients. Science 356, 1379–1383 

Lukačišinová, M., and Bollenbach, T. (2017). Toward a quantitative understanding of antibiotic resistance evolution. Curr. Opin. Biotechnol. 46, 90–97 [Review].

Mitosch, K., Rieckh, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2017). Noisy Response to Antibiotic Stress Predicts Subsequent Single-Cell Survival in an Acidic Environment. Cell Syst. 4, 393–403.e5 Cover:

Schwarz, J.*, Bierbaum, V.*, Vaahtomeri, K., Hauschild, R., Brown, M., de Vries, I., Leithner, A., Reversat, A., Merrin, J., Tarrant, T., Bollenbach, T.#, and Sixt, M.# (2017). Dendritic Cells Interpret Haptotactic Chemokine Gradients in a Manner Governed by Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Dependent on GRK6. Curr. Biol. 

Schwarz, J., Bierbaum, V., Merrin, J., Frank, T., Hauschild, R., Bollenbach, T., Tay, S., Sixt, M., and Mehling, M. (2016). A microfluidic device for measuring cell migration towards substrate-bound and soluble chemokine gradients. Sci. Rep. 6, 36440

Chevereau, G., and Bollenbach, T. (2015). Systematic discovery of drug interaction mechanisms. Mol. Syst. Biol. 11, 807

Bollenbach, T., and Heisenberg, C. (2015). Gradients are shaping up. Cell 161, 431–432 [Preview].

Bollenbach, T. (2015). Antimicrobial interactions: mechanisms and implications for drug discovery and resistance evolution. Curr. Opin. Microbiol. 27, 1–9 [Review].

Michalko, J., Dravecká, M., Bollenbach, T., and Friml, J. (2015). Embryo-lethal phenotypes in early abp1 mutants are due to disruption of the neighboring BSM gene. F1000Research 1104

Chevereau, G., Dravecká, M., Batur, T., Guvenek, A., Ayhan, D.H., Toprak, E., and Bollenbach, T. (2015). Quantifying the Determinants of Evolutionary Dynamics Leading to Drug Resistance. PLoS Biol. 13, e1002299

Mitosch, K., and Bollenbach, T. (2014). Bacterial responses to antibiotics and their combinations. Environ. Microbiol. Rep. 6, 545–557 [Review].

de Vos, M.G.J., and Bollenbach, T. (2014). Suppressive drug interactions between antifungals. Chem. Biol. 21, 439–440 [Preview].

Kicheva, A., Bollenbach, T., Ribeiro, A., Valle, H.P., Lovell-Badge, R., Episkopou, V., and Briscoe, J. (2014). Coordination of progenitor specification and growth in mouse and chick spinal cord. Science 345, 1254927

Weber, M., Hauschild, R., Schwarz, J., Moussion, C., de Vries, I., Legler, D.F., Luther, S. a, Bollenbach, T., and Sixt, M. (2013). Interstitial dendritic cell guidance by haptotactic chemokine gradients. Science 339, 328–332

Pantazis, P., and Bollenbach, T. (2012). Transcription factor kinetics and the emerging asymmetry in the early mammalian embryo. Cell Cycle 11, 2055–2058 [Perspective].

Kicheva, A., Bollenbach, T., Wartlick, O., Jülicher, F., and Gonzalez-Gaitan, M. (2012). Investigating the principles of morphogen gradient formation: from tissues to cells. Curr. Opin. Genet. Dev. 22, 527–532 [Review].

Bollenbach, T., and Kishony, R. (2011). Resolution of gene regulatory conflicts caused by combinations of antibiotics. Mol. Cell 42, 413–425

Plachta, N., Bollenbach, T., Pease, S., Fraser, S.E., and Pantazis, P. (2011). Oct4 kinetics predict cell lineage patterning in the early mammalian embryo. Nat. Cell Biol. 13, 117–123

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Swoboda, J.G., Meredith, T.C., Campbell, J., Brown, S., Suzuki, T., Bollenbach, T., Malhowski, A.J., Kishony, R., Gilmore, M.S., and Walker, S. (2009). Discovery of a small molecule that blocks wall teichoic acid biosynthesis in Staphylococcus aureus. ACS Chem. Biol. 4, 875–883

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