List of all members of the Institute for Biological Physics

Gerrit Ansmann
Senior researcher / lecturer

Bahareh Bagheri

Tobias Bollenbach
Group leader

Martin Böhler
Administrative assistant

Adriana Espinosa-Cantu

Booshini Fernando
Technician / lab manager

Theresa Fink
PhD student
Natawan Gadjisade
PhD student

Lucas Goretzky (Horst)
Technician (CRC 1310)

Astin Krause
MSc student

Francesca Macaluso

Janina Müller
PhD student

Gabriela Petrungaro

Marcel Wedler
MSc student

Timon Wittenstein
PhD student
Former group members

Rudra Kalra
MSc student

Moulikta Sanjeev
MSc student

Pete Schupp
BSc student

Moritz Specht
MSc student

Yuval Mulla
Postdoc, moved to VU Amsterdam (assistant professor)

Philipp Hintz
BSc student

Jonas Aufdermauer
MSc student

Annika Jenniges
BSc student

Laura Theissen
BSc student

Bor Kavcic
PhD student, moved to Biozentrum Basel (van Nimwegen lab)

Sakshi Khaiwal
MSc student

Marta Lukačišinová
PhD Student, moved to Technion (Kishony lab)

Martin Lukačišin
PhD Student, moved to Technion (Shen-Orr lab)

Andreas Angermayr
Postdoc (Marie Curie Fellow, see OPTEX), moved to CeMM (Vienna)

Sarah Rogoz
BSc Student

Christoph Velling
BSc Student

Qi Qin
Postdoc, moved to Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia)

Karin Mitosch
PhD Student, moved to EMBL (EIPOD fellow)

Marcin Zagorski
Postdoc, moved to group leader position at Jagiellonian University

Veronika Bierbaum

Marjon de Vos
Postdoc, moved to University of Groningen (assistant professor)

Guillaume Chevereau
Postdoc, moved to INSA de Strasbourg (assistant professor)

Julia Tischler
Postdoc (APART fellow), moved to University of Cambridge

Dilay Ayhan

Andrea Coladangelo

Jaroslav Ferenc

Stefan Donsa

Andreas Piehler
BSc Student